These 4 Skin Problems Can Be The Effects Of Stress On The Skin | Diseaseassist
Not only does it make it difficult to sleep and interfere with your performance at work, it turns out that stress can also cause skin problems, you know. Come on, find out what skin problems can occur due to stress and how to deal with them in this article!
A pile of unfinished homework or office work can certainly cause stress. But unfortunately, the stress experienced often makes us neglect our health, including taking care of our skin.
In fact, when stressed, the body will naturally increase the production of the hormone cortisol. Increased production of this hormone can cause your skin to become more oily, making it prone to breakouts and various disorders.
Skin Problems That
Usually Appear When Stressed
The following are some skin problems that often arise due to stress:
1. Acne
As previously explained, stress can increase the hormone cortisol which can trigger excess oil production in the skin. Plus, when stressed, some people even forget to take care of their skin. Well, both of these things can cause acne.
2. Hives
Hives is one of the immune reactions to substances that trigger allergies (allergens). When stressed, the body releases neuropeptide and neurotransmitter chemicals. These chemicals can change the body's response to exposure to allergens, so the skin will become more sensitive and prone to allergies in the form of hives.
3. Atopic eczema or
atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema will cause your skin to be red, itchy, scaly, dry and thickened. Although the exact cause of atopic eczema is not known, stress is known to trigger inflammation of the skin which then causes atopic eczema.
4. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disorder associated with the immune system. Psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of red patches on the skin that are scaly and itchy. One of the triggers is stress.
In addition to triggering, stress can also aggravate psoriasis. This is because when under stress, some people have a habit of scratching the skin even though they don't actually feel itchy. This habit can cause psoriasis to get worse.
5. Neurodermatitis
Neurodermatitis is a skin condition characterized by the appearance of patches of skin that feel very itchy, especially when scratched. This condition often appears in areas of the skin that are easily accessible by nails and fingers, such as the backs of the feet, neck, calves, or the backs of the hands.
It is not known what the exact cause of neurodermatitis is, but stress and anxiety are factors that are strongly suspected to trigger the emergence of this condition.
In addition to the above conditions, long-term stress can also make the skin wrinkle faster, lose elasticity, and become dull. In some people, stress can even trigger rosacea.
How to Overcome the Effects of Stress on the Skin
Stress is a condition that is sometimes unavoidable, but you can try the following ways to overcome or reduce the effects of stress on the skin:
Keep skin clean and
Even though you are experiencing stress, don't forget to clean and take care of your skin, okay? Clean your face twice a day and use a moisturizer or sunscreen to keep your skin healthy.
When stressed, appetite and the desire to snack will usually increase. If a high appetite is accompanied by the habit of consuming unhealthy foods, such as sweet or oily foods, then this can cause skin problems or actually worsen the skin condition you suffer from.
Therefore, to keep your skin healthy, choose nutritious foods when you want to snack, such as homemade popcorn, nuts, or vegetable and fruit salads.
Sufficient sleep
Adequate sleep is beneficial to overcome the effects of stress on the skin. This is because during sleep, the body will naturally repair damaged body tissues, including skin tissue. To keep your skin healthy, it is recommended that you sleep for at least 8 hours every day.
Practice relaxation
and meditation techniques
Although it looks simple, doing relaxation and meditation techniques can deal with stress, you know. That way, it is hoped that you can become more relaxed, so that the effects of stress on the skin can subside.
Apply ointment or
If necessary, you can use an ointment or cream to treat your skin problem. However, to be safer, consult your doctor first so that the products used are safe and in accordance with your skin condition.
Creams containing retinoids are commonly used to treat psoriasis, while creams containing glycerin are commonly used to treat eczema.
Well, that's the effect of stress on the skin that you need to know. To overcome this, you can apply some of the methods above. However, if skin problems due to stress do not subside or are getting worse, immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment.